Sarah Christie

Sarah Christie

Deputy Managing Director
Truth Consulting part of Instinctif Partners

Sarah Christie - Senior Director - Truth Consulting part of Instinctif Partners

Sarah has over 30 years experience in strategic insight and consultancy, and is passionate about putting the consumer voice at the heart of brand and business decision-making. She is a specialist in financial services insight, and is a fully trained in behavioural science, ethnography and semiotics as well as traditional qualitative and quantitative methodologies.

She is a trusted advisor to many of the big names within the sector at Board and Exco level – frequently keynote speaking at FS conferences and events about the changing FS consumer. She is an expert in brand and product optimisation within the sector, experienced in product journeys, wider trends, proposition development and consumer closeness. She has a passion for FS access for all, recently being invited to deliver her vision for digital inclusion in the House of Lords, to an audience of FS sector, charitable and governmental experts in inclusion.